Friday, November 28, 2008

Dang Cpomputers

So I wrote a nice long post last night about how much pain I was in and how I couldn't sleep and it was still 2 hours and 40 minutes until my next pills and the whole thing didn't publish. Oh well, who want to read a post about my woes.

So this morning I woke up at 5 a.m. and got Joe to help me go to the bathroom and take my pills and then when I was all settled in bed again and he had gone back to sleep I realized I was too much awake to go back to sleep again. I didn't have the heart to wake him up again so I just laid there in the dark for an hour and still couldn't sleep so finally I woke him up at 6 a.m. and am now writing this post. This is going to get really old for him to have to help me get in and out of bed all the time but I don't know what else to do. I am really grateful that I have children who are ready to spell him.

I'm also grateful for those of you who cooked and cleaned up the dinner yesterday. It was a great Thanksgiving Day thanks to all your work.

We (used in the generic way - meaning not me but several of my children) will be putting up the Christmas tree today which is always one of the highlights of my year! I have way too many ornaments to put on one tree so I will only use part of them and may give the rest away.

Well, my hip is hurting from sitting in one position.

So Happy Holidays, Lub lubs and all that,



nora.lakehurst said...

Well if you have any of those fun changing color ones or the snow globe ones i will be happy to take them off your hands it you haven't given them away

ems said...

That was fun to decorate the tree! Hope you have been sleeping better.
