Monday, November 10, 2008


Today I have been married for 41 years. Geez, that creeps me out. It sounds so loooooong. It only seems like about 15 years or so. I guess that sounds long to most of you, too.

Mostly I have been happy for all those years even though there were times when I felt like kicking his butt to the curb. Fortunate that wasn't very often. He's been a very good husband and I'm blessed to have him. I can hardly imagine being married to anyone else. We have become so close that our lives run smoothly and without problems now. It's nice to be at a stage when we have so much free time to ourselves. I wish Joe could retire though. Then we could go on a mission or travel, etc. But it looks like he'll have to keep working indefinitely if we don't want to go on government welfare for our medical expenses and drugs. Maybe he could at least cut back his hours to where he just barely covered enough days to keep his insurance. We'll have to see.

Anyway, YAY for married life. YAY for good husbands. YAY for anniversaries.

YAY today!



Stacey said...

Happy anniversary!

I had to laugh at "kicking his butt to the curb". I have felt that way a few times too. ;)

nora.lakehurst said...

i would write something long but my brain is only handeling one small thing at a time.

ems said...

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, haaaaaapy anniversary! (sung to the tune of the William Tell Overture)

Happy day, way to go writing a whole optimistic post!! WOOHOO!

Thanks for all you've done and continue to do!