Friday, February 6, 2009


I had composed a nice long post about all the nice things I got for my birthday and somehow lost it. It's getting too late to do it all over again so I'll just say thanks everyone for a great day and see if Michelle can find it for me and publish it again.

Again, Thanks Jenn, Jan, Emilee, Karla and Seth, Stace, Michelle and Steve. Those who called and those who wrote blogs and commented on them.

Lubs and Hugs to all,


1 comment:

nora.lakehurst said...

Hey I totally left a message. Maybe your blog is having issues. OR maybe you posted on Michelle's again. ;) No we were happy to come out and visit. The kids had fun playing in bonus room. See now you gotta leave it open so they can run around and get tired before they come home. :D Love ya