Thursday, December 18, 2008


I don't know how "craisins crossings" got in my last post but it was supposed to say just "craisins" and since I don't know how to edit my posts after I have published them I have to correct the this way. Sorry but it comes with the territory when you read what I write. Be sure to go back and read the post before this one so this one will make sense.

Sorry again.



Steve and Chelle said...

oh mommy, you are so funny!!!

I love you! And if you want to do the 'i am' tag, I'll show you how!!

Stacey said...

"craisins crossings" sounds like the name of a soap opera.

Unknown said...

LOLOL I love the "craisins crossings" It's something I would discover I had typed... My brain and my fingers don't always go the same speed :)