Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's up in the world

Dad showed me this incredible email he got from a friend at work. It is long and will take about 30 minutes to read but it is very important that you read it. If you have faith in the Lord and His plan and His control over the world and the people in it, you won't be frightened, you'll be inspired...

Flee, I don't have your email address or I would send it to you. Maybe you could email me your address. I'm at csouthern@rapidwave.net.

I got my housework almost all done yesterday and then got caught by a great book I Stand All Amazed. I say caught because I was only going to read a little bit of it and then get back to my housework. Alas, I couldn't put it down and finished the whole book. It's about a woman who died and had a vision of the Spirit World. She was not a member of the church at the time, but she learned many things about the true church and 15 years later finally found it and joined it.. If anyone wants to borrow it you'll have to wait until Joe finishes it and then you're welcome to it. It is very inspiring as well,

Today I go to the doctor's appointment where they will do all the lab work for my surgery. I'm a little nervous about this whole thing but I have prayed several times that I would be able to be calm about it. I'm feeling much better about the surgery than I was. I will get a blessing tomorrow might and that will make my handling of it even better...

Wish me luck... :)


nora.lakehurst said...

It will be so good for you to have this surgery. I hope that you will be able to be more mobile and do lots of things that I know that you have been wanting to do for a long time.
As for the book. I think I would like to take dibbs on it. I love those kinds of books. I might even get caught in it too.

Jenn said...


Did you email us the article? I didn't get it. I'm glad you're feeling better about your surgery. I've been praying for you as well!

ems said...

I didn't get the article either. Maybe you forgot to email it?

Good luck on your hip surgery. We'll be praying for you.

Stacey said...

Surgery is nerve-wracking,but hopefully it will make a big improvement on your mobility. You are in our prayers as well.

Steve and Chelle said...

to answer you question from flee's post- siotu has nothing to do with computers. It's an inside joke between flee and I! And if it weren't so incredibly hillarious to us, we wouldn't keep using it, but really, if you were there, it was so so funny! (not really something we can explain on a blig though! I'll tell you more later!)

Love you!