Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, here it is at 3.52 AM and I'm reading everyone's post's.

Karla, where did you get a movie of the twilight series? I'd love to watch it. Sorry I can't comment on you actual blog. I'm not that sophisicated on the computer yet. But I love reading them. BTW we have the green paint that we used in the laundry room if you want it.

Jenn, I didn't get you latest post. The only one I have is what you wrote 2 weeks ago.

Emilee, I hate pass along letters first and even moretag games and since the only people I would pass it in too would be everyone who already got one from you and Michelle it don't see the point. ....Well I could do it just everyone who reads my post could know what I would answer.... so here goes.

Three things that everyone already knows about me:

I am compulsive/obsessive about a lot of things. Eating, shopping, (especially a DI in my yoounger years as they didn't have Walmart or Big Lots then) Used to be on watching TV but I've broken that habit now (for the last two months at least.) Cleaning my house (yeah, sure:)) Politics, and etc.

I'm good at art. It may take me nine or ten years to finish a painting like my Christ painting but I have done seversl since starting that one. I'm going to do a big mural of a fairy land on the wall of a woman in my ward which should be fun.

I am good at sewing. Now that I have my year's supply of fabric I am happy and filled with peace about our preparedness. Now if there is a disaster or sever economic problems I can ask for help from the Lord while being able to say I've done all I could to prepare. I am about to start making Jan a baby's blessing dress for a possible baby girl that might be in her future. I know, I know, she may have all boys. But she wanted me to make her a dress incase she has a girl and I am too old to be able to see well enough to sew. (Hope that doesn't happen)

Now three things people probably didn't know about me:

I had an old flame that I still think about now and then, even though it's been 45 years since I've seen him. They say you never quite get over your first love but 45 years? Sheesh!!!

I have faithfully attended Overeater's Anonymous for the last ten years even though I gained back all the weight I lost the first year. The reason I still go is that I am pretty sure if I hadn't been going I would have gained a hundred pounds more than I weigh right now. For the last two months I have been more absinant then in all the previous nine years and have now lost ten pounds. This is a program of spiritual recovery, first, and acknowledges that God is the source of any success. I have experienced good mental recovery in that I don't mentally "beat up" on myself for every thing I do wrong like I did for the first 40 years of my adult life. YEA ME!!! I am finding it especially successful now that I am willing to call a friend in the program and talk about my day and the food I ate ~ just to have someone to be accountable to. I am much more careful about what I put in my mouth as a result.

I prayed today to ask the Lord what His will was for me to do with the hours from2:30 pmuntil bedtime instead of doing whatever I wanted to do (which was usually to lay on my bed and waste time.) He seemed to say that He didn't care what I did as long as I stayed active.


Jenn said...


To get to my new blog, just type in, and you'll see it. By the way, you have been on it at least once, because you commented on my first post about us going to Conference.

I liked your tagged post. If I ever get around to it, that's how I'll do it too, since the people I would pass it on to have already done it.

By the way, you can edit a post once you've posted it. Chelle can show you how.

It's fun to read your blog!!


Steve and Chelle said...

ditto to what Jenn said.

and I love that when you want yo be excited about something you write Yea (as opposed to Yay) It makes me laugh! Like in this one where you said yea me! hee hee! love that!

anyway. I'll come and show you how to edit posts (again) if you'd like me to!

Love you!

nora.lakehurst said...

YAY for editing after you have put it on. Believe me I think I would have worse spelling than I do now.
ANyways Twilight doesnt hit theaters till November. I hope I didn't make it sound like I have seen it. If I did I don't think I would be posting it like that. It would be a whole other post by itself.
THanks for letting me know that you have read my blog. DId you see little Danni's song?
Well if you need anything I am a phone call or Email away.
Love ya

Flee said...

YAY! congratulations on losing 10 lbs! that is awesome! I 'm sohappy for you. And as for you wonderful painting talent, I was wondering if maybe you would possibly consider painting something for Dave and my bedroom. I have been looking for bedroom art for such a long time and I haven't found anything I really like or even works with what we have in there. I'd gladly pay you! I'll talk to you about it when I come over sometime. :)

ems said...

Okay, that's funny that Chelle would point out the "yea." I just realized that I do the exact same thing and I never thought about it before. How silly!! I guess I will have to start writing "yay" instead. Thanks mom, at least I know I'm not the only one who's silly.

I'm glad you did the tagged game. I don't usually like chain letters either, but I thought this one was nice, because it is more interesting and we get to know you a little, so I'm glad you did it

YAY you!!! :)