Thursday, August 20, 2009

Education Week!!!

It's been a great three days, Tomorrow is the last day and it's a good thing. My brain has absorbed just about as much as it can take. I've got about 5 new books to read and have made a commitment to get up at 5:00 am every day. If that's the only change I make this year it will be good. I do want to start making my 100 goals list. That's supposed to take several weeks to a few months to do. The list needs to be done seeking to know what Heavenly Father wants you to do. I am supposed to put down every thing that comes to my mind no matter how random. One man felt impressed to put down "restoring a 56 Chevy". Turns out that doing that goal helped his teenage son get his priorities straight by spending time helping his dad. Who knew....

More later (maybe)

1 comment:

Holly said...

Oh! You went to education week! That is something I have never done but I have always wanted to do. I am going to make it a goal to attend next year.

I would love to learn from you what you learned. What 5 books are you going to read? Wow! Getting up at 5 am, that is ambitious! Does that include Saturday? How do you avoid falling asleep later? Tell me about this 100 goal list! Please! :-)