Friday, April 23, 2010

Random Thoughts Again

We had our monthly family birthday party last Sunday. Unfortunately I forgot it was Melissa's birthday this month and didn't have a card for her, so I didn't give the girl's their cards. So now I have two birthday cards that I can only use on the 25th of the month. Hope I don't forget. (I can't find my calendar that Melissa made up for the birthdays and summer cookouts. I'm going to have to look harder - I know it is somewhere here as I put it in a special page cover to keep it clean.)

I've been having some pretty serious dizzy spells lately. Dr. Brown has been slowly decreasing my Savella dosage and I haven't had a bad one since the Girl's Night Out (better known as GNO) three weeks ago. I shouldn't be driving as one of my co-workers pointed out to me this week. I'm going to have to work out some arrangement to get to and from work Monday. I think by next Wednesday I should be ok to drive since I will have been off the Savella by then for several days.

Our trees are finally getting leaves on them. My poor little lilac bush is doing it's best to "bloom where it's planted" but for some reason every August something happens to it and all the leaves curl up and practically die before fall. But every Spring it comes back to life as if nothing happened during the last year. It has never been able to grow big at all but has remained stunted all these years (eight) So, I am going to try to transplant it and see if that will make any difference (if it doesn't kill it first.)

Our roses are all getting buds on them and we haven't pruned them yet. Well I take that back, we did prune the two that grow over the arch in the front yard's trellis. We have a cherry tree and a plum tree that also need to be pruned Both of them are getting quite big and have never been pruned so it will take some work to get it done. We bought three new fruit trees this year and planted them in the garden along the back fence so they won't have to be mowed around every week. I still need to buy some bushes to replace the ones that died last year. If I time it right I can get them at Home Depot for $10.00 a bush. That is a huge savings from the regular price in a nursery.

That reminds me, Joe had a man from our ward who is a landscaping contractor come and look at our yard and suggest some ways we could improve it. He didn't charge us for it but asked if we buy some bushes we buy them from him. I hope that doesn't include the bushes I had already planned to buy at Home Depot.

I have been asked to complete the LDS Church Membership Survey 2010 (much like a census only has questions about church activity for ourselves and each of our children.) This is the third time in the last 30 years or so that I have been asked to do something like this. It is amazing to me because I'm sure the church doesn't do this kind of survey but every few years and out of all the millions and millions of members of the Church I should be asked to do it three times. I've never heard of anyone else but me who has been asked to do this kind of survey. The last one asked about our food storage and if we held family home evenings and those kinds of questions. This one asked about family size and the activity level of ourselves and each child. It also asked about each child's marriage (whether it was in the Temple, whether any of us had ever been divorced) and also about what office in the priesthood each of the men in the family hold, missions served, etc.

I'm wearing a bracelet Janice gave me for Mother's Day a year or two ago. It has small pearls, crystals, amethysts and tiny, tiny circles of diamonds, with charms that say "Love," "Mother," "Forever" and a small heart at the end of it. The tiny diamonds aren't real, of course, but it is very pretty anyway. It's so like Janice to make something like this bracelet. I love it. Most of my jewelery is from my children, Karla, or Melissa. I have a lovely Mother of Pearl brooch from Karla and some beautiful black pearls and also fresh water pearls from Melissa. Then I have several pearl necklaces that have little pearls spaced about an inch and a half apart on one strand and then they are combined with other strands that are staggered to make it look like the pearls are almost floating in space. Janice also gave me necklace with a mustard seed in a tiny glass box. It has a tiny gold page that has the quote about having faith as the grain of mustard seed. I tried putting it on a longer chain that I had but over the years since she gave it to me the chain has discolored. I need to get a new chain for it but just haven't found a place that sells gold chains for a price I can afford. I rarely wear much jewelry but everything I have, I love.

I just finished watching a Sherlock Holmes movie with the Guy's Game Night sons and son-in-law (Steve, Michael, Adam and Seth and Joe of course) It was a very entertaining movie but it is late now 10:00 and I am getting up at 4:30 now days so I need to go to bed.

Night All,

Love, Mither


Unknown said...

um... did you lose your train of thought? or assume we'd all stopped reading? ;)

Stacey said...

That's a bummer about the dizzy spells. I hope you are feeling better now.

Holly said... spelled "plum" wrong. You spelled it as if you wanted plumbing. Xb