Friday, September 19, 2008

TA DAH!!!! (florishes sounding)

It was the bobbin thread all along, nothing wrong with the tension now. It took me about 15 minutes and a prayer (first) to figure it out. I think I'm past the halfway point of the learning curve now. Glad I didn't give up!
It should have been obvious to me to pray first but it didn't occur to me that I might not be able to pick it up easily. I could have saved myself 7 hours of increasingly frustrating
mental strain. Good lesson there for life's problems. Hope I've learned it now.
Sorry, Ems, I think I'll keep this machine and not trade back.
(Wow! I was almost an Indian giver.)


Flee said...

YAY! Funny thing, the one time I attempted sewing, my problem was the bobbin too! Can you belieie it? I guess they are just some tricky little buggers to begin with.

nora.lakehurst said...

YAY!!! You finally got it to work. I love the blog its beautiful and so you. I liked reading all the things you did and Ems thing was beautiful.
I hope you will come and visit me and Stace on ours. We are a bit more morbid but they are fun to read.

Steve and Chelle said...

see, just like with email- you can learn new things! and you;re doing great at blogging!! Yay for you!!!

keep it up!

ems said...

Aw darn! I was so looking forward to having a brand new machine. ~sigh~ I guess the old one will have to do. :)

Honestly, I knew you could figure it out, and I wouldn't have taken the new one anyway.