Friday, November 13, 2009

Since I can't post on my blog I'll post on Jenn's


Good Times!

We celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary on Tuesday. 42YEARS!!! Yikes!!! I must really be getting OLD!!! We had a great time. We just had a nice easy going morning and then went out to have some fun in the afternoon. We went to See's and each got 6 of our favorite chocolates. I didn't know Joe had decided to go on a sugarless diet just the day before and since it was a Special Day and I allow myself to have chocolates on any Special Day I asked him to let me get my chocolates and he indulged both me and himself. I'm glad he didn't tell me he was off sugar because I wouldn't have tempted him if I had known and I would have missed out on my Special Day chocolates.

Just so you know, the Special Days are any major holiday, my birthday and our anniversary. So let's see, each year that's my birthday, Valentines Day, Mother's Day, our anniversary, Thanksgiving day, Christmas and New Years. It's a loooooooooong wait from Mother's Day to our anniversary but it gives me something really great to look forward to. Here's to lemon and key lime truffles.... yummm even thinking about them tastes good.

So after the chocolates we went to Deseret Book and each bought a small book (read not too expensive.) We spent some time that morning looking over all the movies that were out there and couldn't find any we both wanted to see so we went to Hollywood Video and rented three movies. We went home and started watching one that I had picked out. Turns out it was a grade B+ movie (not so bad as a grade B movie, but really close) It was long and rambling and repeated some scenes over and over and had TWO parts to it. We only got part way through the second part before we gave up on it. Joe said he thought it was a "made for TV" movie because of the repeated scenes. Anyway, it wasn't worth watching.

Then, in the evening, we went to Out Back for dinner with Jan and Jenn and then over to Emilee's for a few minutes until the girl's all went to Zumba (a dancing workout that Emilee teaches in their dance studio above the rental center) We stayed for just a few minutes longer with Daniel while Matthew threw a fit because his mother AND the girls left. He finally settled down a little because Daniel asked him to open the door for Grandpa and Grandma so they could go home and the thought of that distracted him from thinking about the fact that everyone important had gone (sorry Daniel, but there it is.)

A great time was had by all.... that would be both of us :)

1 comment:

Dave said...

happy Anniversary corilee!!!