Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day and sundry things

Yesterday was Mother's Day and I had a very good Sabbath. I missed Sacrament mtg. because I was really shaky and sick for about an hour and a half. I tried eating some lunch but it didn't work. So I laid down on the bed for a while and rested and after about an hour I finally felt good enough to go to church but by this time I would have been way late for Sacrament Mtg.. I ended up going to Sunday School and Relief Society which was very good.

For Mothers Day, I got a large family pictures pedigree chart that has our grandparents, our parents and Joe and I on our wedding day. Then it has all our children at the bottom. It is done in linen on Masonite and is sepia over black and white. It is 30" x 24" and will make a good anchor picture for our family room wall. That was from Jan, Jenn and Emily. Daniel gave me a case of green beans and David gave me a book "Broken Things To Mend" by Jeffery Holland. Adam and Stacey came with their little children which gave Emma someone to play with. They all gave me pictures done by the kids which were childish rendering of me with them or just scribbles from the very little ones. They are so sweet. The kids are so pleased when I make a fuss over their pictures. Seth and Michael both called and Michelle came in and said "happy Mother's Day" and then went down to bed as she is sick. Steve and Jenni stayed up and visited with us. I'm pretty sure Jonathan forgot to call because he has done so in years past.

Well I am finally happy to say that I have my old sewing machine back. Emilee agreed to take my new one in exchange. I just couldn't remember how to do things like threading the machine, getting the tension right and getting used to the new way of going forward and reverse the way my old machine did it. I had to refer to the handbook (which wasn't very clear to me) to do every thing each time I sewed and I never did get the tension just right. It was just too frustrating. Maybe if my memory was better I could learn it, but it is so fried from all the pills, the electro-shock treatments and the "fibro fog" that it was beyond me. Emilee is happy to get a new machine with all the attachments and different sewing feet and a table to put it on. So now we are both pleased with the outcome.

We had a nice visit from Bob and Doris last week. We spent most of the day with them and got caught up on all the news of their family and ours. We also got caught up on all the terrible things that are happening politically in the nation. We finally had to stop talking about it because we got too upset and frustrated about it.We went out to dinner at the new Denny's in Am. Fork and got right in and served right off. They are so new that not very many people even know about them so we were very lucky and pleased to have gotten such good service.

I found out that my Bishop finally got my mission papers to the Stake President a couple of weeks ago so I'm hoping it won't be too long. It's not so bad because the woman who is going to be my companion, Pat Corea, will be out of town for a month. We should be ready to start about the time she gets back.

I'm going to weigh myself today after I talk to my sponsor about it. I'm sure she is going to try to talk me out of it because she is of the opinion that I should just watch to see if my clothes start to feel less tight. That may work for her but I want more consistent and definite feed back to tell if I need to change my eating habits or not. I only weigh myself once a month as it is. I prayed about it and got a very firm answer that it doesn't matter to the Lord; that it is a trifling thing to him and I could go ahead and do as I pleased.

I am trying to get in the habit of doing my "dailies" every morning. That means praying, meditating, studying my scriptures and my AA Big Book and writing about it. For me, that should also include some sort of exercise as well, I would think. I have been thinking of signing up at a gym but I don't know how much it would cost. I'll have to ask my DIL or my daughters as they all have passes to Gold's Gym. I'm only supposed to do "moderate" exercise to keep the fibro from flaring up. Still something would be better than nothing. We'll have to see about it. I may be too expensive, anyway.

Well since I haven't learned how to post pictures yet, that is all. I hope you all don't mind my long entries. I am using my blog as a journal.

Love and {{{hugs}}} to all,



nora.lakehurst said...

WOW all of those things are very nice. I am glad you got to see your girls.

Flee said...

I'm glad you had a good mothers day! AS for weighing oneself...I recently read that we should weigh outselves daily. I know! It seems like alot, but it helps to keep on track and encouraged. Just FYI...

Holly said...

I am glad you had a happy Mother's Day!
That is awesome about the sewing machine! I love how it worked out so well for both you and Emilee.
ah.... the "dailies". I am going to try harder to do my "dailies" too!