Monday, April 20, 2009

Still kicking

I am doing more, physically, lately than I have done for quite a long time and am still feeling amazingly well.... Only slight pain on most days. I am amazed at how weak my right leg is. I have favored my right leg for so long now that I am now paying for it. So to notice my leg more than the fibro must mean something good.

I went to the MTC this morning and then to my 12 step meeting this afternoon. I really enjoyed both but needed to rest for a while after I got home. It's so good to feel good. It was such a beautiful day today. Jenny and a couple of little neighbor girls came and played in my living room for a while today while Michelle was on the computer. It was good to see them having fun together and they all cleaned up the tinker toys without any complaint.

I am so blessed,
life is so good.



nora.lakehurst said...

How fun. Kids are amazing when they are playing together nicely huh. I am glad your leg is feeling better.
Oh and Yes I did take those photos of Joe joe. All of them. Its just something I like to do.

ems said...

I am so happy for you mither! Hopefully you will keep feeling better and continue to be up and going! Lubs!

Stacey said...

I'm glad you are doing well and that things are going so great!