Tuesday, March 6, 2012

On The Mend

I got home from the hospital today and am amazed at how well I'm doing. This recovery is light-years ahead of what I experienced with my other hip surgery. I am able to get around by myself on my walker or a cane and it's only been a week since the surgery. I am still on pain medication and need help with meals but Joe has arranged to work from home for the remainder of this week and next week I will have help from the ward with meals. Other than that it's only a matter of time-waiting to heal completely-until I am back to normal. I will probably be back to my mission by the first week in April or so.
I have been reading an excellent book on mentoring and working on my goals and affirmations for the last few days while I was in the hospital. I will be developing my website for my art class over the next two weeks and continuing organizing HOPE which will keep me busy while I recuperate.
Now I need to write on my art blog and then go back to bed as sitting up too long wears me out and causes the pain to get worse.